This one's for all the girls that had "the struggle is real" t-shirts in middle school. I get you. This week's been a wild ride. (Don't despair. This is NOT a downer email. There is a point to this all. Bare with me.) But it's been a long week and it was hard.
First off I got kitchen duty. Which everyone collectively agrees is worse then landscaping duty. It's hard work. And Pierre, the head of the kitchen, doesn't know a lick of English. And at the beginning of this week I still didn't really know a lick of Spanish. So I never understood what he wanted from me.
Then everyone in mi casa got sick. I'll spare you the details. But let me tell ya, it was rough two days.
And THEN we got introduced to intermediate core. (For spanish learning) Which is roughly a million times harder then basic core. There are so many things to memorize and looking at the list I am pretty sure I died inside a little bit. And now the staff speaks in solo español. They are teaching me spanish. IN spanish.
Also this week I've made about 100000002 mistakes in spanish. Like this one day I was giving a lesson to some Latino elders and I was TRYING to tell them that "Jesus Christ saves us from our pecados (sins)" BUT I said " Jesus Christ saves us from our pescados (fish)" It was terrible. Mostly because they gave me the hardest time all week. But I've been thinking about it and I am so glad it happened. Yeah. It was terrible in the moment BUT could you imagine if it never happened? Or if no one had corrected me? I would have gone around for a year and a half telling people that Jesus Christ saves them from fish. (Which is totally not even true because we learn in Luke 5:6 that he actually will give us a whole ton of fish.) Yeah. It was embarrassing. But I learned from it.
So pals.
Here is the point.
The struggle IS real.
BUT so are the blessings.
Kitchen duty. The worst. And like I said I had no idea what Pierre was asking me to do. So I had to learn. And my spanish got WAY better. Kitchen duty is one of the things I attribute the most to my growth in spanish this week. Plus Pierre and I are homies now and sometimes I get an extra treat.
Being sick. Hated it. BUT let me tell ya. Me, my roommates and I had a lot of time to talk about and study the gospel. The CCM is pretty busy so there's never hours where you can sit and talk about your Faith or your testimony. The spirit was so strong those days and it was so good.
Intermediate core. Terrifying. But guys. The gift of tongues is so real.Week 1-2 I memorized about 110 words and phrases. Two days into intermediate core and I memorized 139. AND your girl gave (a very rough but good) 12 minute lesson in español. This new program is HARD. but I have learned so so much.
So someone should make me a t-shirt that says, "the struggle is real but so are the blessings" because it's the truth. Heavenly father is blessing us in all our circumstances. I've learned sometimes our trials are really just tender mercies in disguise.
See y'all in a hot second.
Con Amor,
Hermana Nygren
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