Hola amigos!
Life is wonderful here in Mexico, though I most definitely miss you all.
I have decided that the bus ride from the airport to the CCM pretty much sums up my first week as a missionary. The ride was wild, humbling, and terrifying.
Wild. When I say the ride was wild I mean it. The roads in Mexico City have no rules. There are no lines. At all. And I didn't see a single speed limit sign the whole ride. And there are people everywhere. I am telling you it is crazy. And the CCM can be pretty exciting too. Have you ever knocked over a 8 foot painting and watched it swing across the hallway? Or had about 7 Latinos come to your window at the wee hours of the morning and rap about the Book of Mormon? It's a blast. And there are green parrots flying around everywhere. And so many palm trees. And the CCM is nestled in some hills. And the hills are full of these beautiful, colorful homes. And at night they turn on all their lights. This place just makes my heart swoon.
Humbling. If I had to describe my experience so far in one word that would be it. As beautiful as the houses on the hill are from a distance, as we drove by them, I was so grateful for all I've been blessed with. And the CCM has continued to humble me. Have you ever seen someone cry because they had a full tray of food in front of them? Because I watched an Elder cry as he said the longest prayer of gratitude I have ever heard. (Yes Dad and Jo, even longer then Nannies.) It hurt my soul and made me ever more grateful.
Terrifying. Like I said. There are no rules on those roads. It was kinda scary. But while we were weaving through cars on a rickety bus there was not one a moment where I ever doubted the driver. He knows these roads. He knows how they work. Of course he was the one driving the bus. Of course he was a million times better then I would ever be. The CCM can be kinda scary too. New foods are scary. Being in a new country is scary. You know what's way scary? Spanish. But good news. I've got the BEST driver ever. The Savior. He knows me. He knows what I'm capable of. He knows I can learn Spanish. So I am working on not doubting him. Even when it's really hard. And when I trust him suddenly learning is easier. Spanish is easier. And I feel closer to him. And I love him even more. So of course I'm going to let him lead me. Of course he's doing a million bazillion times better then I ever would.
I am so grateful for my Savior and I am beyond excited to be His representative for the next year and a half. I love this gospel with my whole heart. Life is good. Our Savior and His gospel are even better.
See ya in a hot second.
With love,
Hermana Nygren
PS I will try my hardest to get back to you all but we are getting a new mission president so things are kinda crazy.
PSS dear Palmer, this week I was NOT a little cheat because i shared the last bit of my American food with an Hermana in mi casa. Also I remembered to do this so #proud.
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