Episode 9: One Llamada Away

Heyo pals!

How's a going? Everything here is dandy and I love Los Banos more and more each day. Sorry about last weeks email! Not sure what happened but I'll send them both. I will keep this one short since you have two to read. 
So I got a history lesson and a life lesson for Hermana Nygren for y'all today. 
Okay so, the history lesson. Once upon a time, during the Revolutionary War there was a group of men called the Minute Men. The Minute Men were pretty much a group of men who were on call for battle. They were always ready to respond to a call of our leaders. So keep those three stories and this history lesson in mind for this experience. 

This week during Weekly Planning I got a prompting to visit Francisco, a man we are teaching. I said "Oh we will go later. We might as well finish planning." I suppose the Spirit wasn't satisfied with that answer because he said, "Hermana Nygren. Are you or are you not one of MY minute-men?" 

Needless to say, I got the point. We went and met with Francisco and it turns out the Spirit knew what he was talking about. Francisco said that we came right when he needed us and that it was a message from God that he needed to be baptized. Wow. I will probably not stop saying this but once again, the Spirit is the MVP. And I learned how important it is to act. I need to respond quickly. When my leaders ask me to do something, do it. When our friends ask for our help, we help them. When the Spirit gives me promptings I respond. Right away. Because I will be one of the Lord's minute-men. I will be on call, always ready to do what he asks of me. 

See y'all in a hot minute.
Con amor, 
Hermana Nygren

1. A lovely lady gave us these SWEET dresses. We are stylin'. Kind of her considering I mixed up my spanish with her and told her we all needed to DIE. Oops. 
2. This is our plant Benjamin (pronounced: Ben-ham-een) I killed him yesterday because I accidently threw a burnt grilled cheese sandwich at it. 
4. We watched the new training video and I saw Ericka. Dead. 
5. Us when we learned the Jonas Brothers are getting back together. Woot.
