Okay so. I was going to send some ridiculous message to start my email for April Fools but I got nothing. I suppose I have been away from Hailie and the Bentley's for too long at this point. I'm slowly loosing their influence. My teasing and pranking skills have gone out the window. So it's a normal, old email for y'all today.
Alright so Mari wears these cute little "M" earrings and necklace everyday and I was complimenting them. So, she got ME a necklace and said, "M for Mari, misioneras y Mormòn." Sweetest thing. So this week I thought I'd share a few other words that start with M.
M is for Mari!: Okay OBVIOUSLY I had to mention her! Yesterday Mari was baptized. She was so so happy and it made me so so happy and I am positive Heavenly Father is so so happy. It was a wonderful day and I feel so blessed to have been a part of it. How lucky am I to be a tool in the hands of our loving Heavenly Father? 10/10 day.
M is for Merced Elders: So one day this week our zone leaders from Merced gave us a call and shared this really cool experience where they extended a baptismal invite in the first contact and it was accepted! Then they said as they were thinking about this experience that they felt prompted to tell us to extend that same invitation to people on the next street that we knocked on. And guess what? We are now teaching SIX NEW people. How wild is that? I am SO grateful for priesthood leaders who listen and act on the promptings of the Spirit.
M is for Mistakes: this week yours truly managed to lock the car keys in the house and the house keys in the car. We had roughly half the ward helping us try to brake in. Good news: our house is practically impossible to break into. Bad news: our house is practically impossible to break into. An email with pictures of this process will come through. Luckily our bishop is a man of many talents and got us in.
M is for Miracles: GUYS. WE HAD A SPANISH BAPTISM. We don't speak Spanish. It is just a testament that this is the Lord's work. We are just working through His hands. I continue to witnesses miracles big and small everyday. Little testaments that he is there, aware and loves us.
See y'all in a hot sec,
Con amor,
Hermana Nygren
1. M neckalce
2. Baptism
3. Zone Confrence
Last pic is of us enjoying the safety of our home and Fruity Pebbles.
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