Episode 15: first one to find my very obvious Harry Potter reference gets a FRESNO POSTCARD

Hola amigos!

IT IS THE MOST WONDERFUL TIME OF THE YEAR. I love spring y'all. Green. Baby animals. Rain. Green. Flowers. Did I mention that it is so so green here???!! And in the midst of all the plants in Los Banos coming alive i learned a Botany lesson. Everywhere in Los Banos there are these AWFUL trees. They wouldn't be so bad if everyone didn't chop off all the branches and leave these terrible stubs. It literally looks like everyone has a Whomping Willow in their front yard. Hermana Foutz and I could not understand for the life of us why everyone was doing this to their trees. So when the gardener asked us if we wanted ours cut we told him "no way Jose" (his name is ACTUALLY Jose. Wow.) Well that was a mistake. Turns out cutting the branches that way helps the leaves grow correctly. Everyone's trees look beautiful. And ours looks, well pretty awful. 

And so now. A classic Hermana Nygren life application. Sometimes missionary work is tough. Probably because life is hard or something. But ya know this week was difficult. Lots of things fell through. Some that we had been working on for awhile. And our ward had some hard things happen. And when people you love hurt. You hurt. So in a sense I kinda felt like all my branches were being chopped off. But this Saturday I realized I'd started to see those green leaves begin to bud. I have seen my relationship with my Father in Heaven grow beyond I ever though it would. We have spent a lot of our time on our knees praying to him. He is my number one go to now. And I am so grateful for it. And I have felt charity immerse my heart and soul. It's wild dudes. A few days ago we found a woman named Luz while tracting. She is Catholic and not interested, But I gave her picture of the Savior and she motioned for us to come in. She placed the picture of Him next to some other lovely paintings of Him. And then she kissed and patted my cheek. I can not describe the love I felt for her. Heavenly Father has blessed my heart to love all the people in this area with an ability far beyond my own. Charity is the coolest thing ever. And I've grown so much out here. Missions are hard. But they definitely make up for all the difficult times. 
So I left a note for whoever lives here a year of now. And told them that when the gardener asks if they want the branches cut down to say YES. Because THE Gardener knows what he is doing. He knows that Spring will come. He knows what the trees need to be ready for it. He knows what they need to grow. He knows what's best for them. (Kinda sounds like our Heavenly Father doesn't it?) 

See y'all in a hot minute, 
Con Amor, 
Hermana Nygren 

1. look! gatito!
2. exchanges!!!!
3. actual candid photo of me when David starts singing. LISTEN TO GLORIOSO. 
