Episode 16: I wrote a Poem

Hello fam!

This week was a sick week. So we were quarantined. Fun. But I'm going to share a poem I wrote. I'm not a fan of doing this because sharing my writing makes me self-conscious but it has some ideas I wanted to share with y'all.

Where a red, orange painted sky
Leaves land, lost, barren, n' dry
Is where I said my goodbye. 

My family came and sat perched 
in my small, old, home-town church 
set-apart to begin my search

A search for Heavenly kin
To gift, gath'r, and bring them in
under the wings of The Hen

I was left in my Lord's hands
As I stepped on external sands 
Waiting trials in that land 

Foreign words trapped on my tongue 
Gentle sobs they filled my lung
My ears, with self-doubt, rung. 

To Him I cried with my might
My soul enveloped in liquid light 
I can not give up the fight 

To the Heaven's I look toward
As I recall my dear Lord 
Who triumph'd sin with no sword

Unfathom'ble the chain
Unfathom'ble His pain
to my finite mind and brain. 

Our Savior, Lord, God and King
in the Garden, hope did bring 
because of Him death lost it's sting 

There my Savior wiped my tears
There my Savior fought my fears
The Heaven's rang with out cheers

So, I will represent He, 
Who FIRST represented me
in the Garden of Gethsemane

In his vin'yard I now labor
Each moment I do savor
As I love and serve my neighbor 

On occasion my mind doth roam 
heart and soul do long for home 
And I do feel all alone 

But I remember He who saves
Steady as the ocean's waves
My path, I know, He always paves. 

I will finish this for He 
in whom FIRST finished for me
His mission on Calvary 

Grateful for my Savior. 
And for y'all. 

See y'all in a hot second. 
Con amor, 
Hermana Nygren
