Episode 17: I need Bob Duncan to kill my ants.


Okay story time. Since day uno we've had an ant problem in my bathroom. And long story short I have got really good at killing ants. Like I might as well put that I was an exterminator on my resumes now. But lately it's gotten out of hand so we finally decided to call the senior couple over housing coordination. We explained our problem and that we had been squishing ants for two months now. That's when he asked us why we hadn't been using the insect repellent that's in our cabinet. I. Am. Dead. Scratch the whole 'i can put exterminator on my resumes now." It's been there the whole time. A huge bottle of Home Defense. Anyways the ants are gone.

And that's life. You find out the answers to your problems have been in your back pocket the whole time. It's like Dorthy and the ruby slippers. She had her way home on her before she even stepped onto the yellow brick road. And our solution? Our home defense bug spray? Our 'ruby slippers'? They are probably sitting on you bedside dresser. Or packed in your bag for seminary. Possibly LITERALLY in your back pocket in your phone on Gospel Library. I am talking about the Book of Mormon people! The most wonderful book EVER. I've read that book my whole life but it wasn't until now that I have really come to see the power inside that book. Within the past month I have seen myself and others be changed through it.

But that book changed my life not because it has some solid one liners. or some inspirational stories. or even because I feel the spirit when I read it. It's because of WHO those one liners, inspirational stories, and the spirit point me towards. Christ! My savior! My best friend! The Book of Mormon is not only a testament that the Lord lived but that he still does. And that his love, mercy, and promises are relevant to ALL. Read that book pals. Let it lead you to Him that saves. Him that heals. Him that lifts. Him that is whatever you need.  And then let him change you. Transform you. And then bless you. 

See y'all in a hot second, 
Con amor, 
Hermana Nygren

1.Training generations. Best mission fam don't @ me

2. Look. There it is. My favoriote book. 

3. Meet Lovely Tuitupoa. Splendid human and wonderfullest ward missionary. Most definitly lives up to her name. 

4. Once again I had the opportunity to listen to Quentin L. Cook. And for the third time in my life I got to hear his sure testimony of the reality of our Lord Jesus Christ. "I know his voice. I know his face"  
