alrighty ladies and gents. bienvinidos to your first ever round of "how was hermana nygren affected by transfers" This week we will play two lies and a truth. So
a. hermana nygren will stay and trio train
b. she will be sent down to Visalia
c. she is staying in Los Banos and her new companion is Sister Brown. (precious human btw)
Tune in next week for the answer ;D
Also I've realized my emails have significantly lacked in stories about our Tongan pals out here in Los Banos. Y'all have been deprived. So this email is based off a wonderful quote from our pal Brother Tansimanu Fakavi Tutitupoa when we had dinner at their house last night.
"Now ya see here sisters. I never did serve a mission but I imagine it's something like preparing one of our Tonagan feast here. Ya wake up early and ya work, work, work. Ya get real tired. Ya wanna just stop. But then in the end it's all worth it. Because when ya done ya get to feast . But ya are blessin' all those ya love too. Because they get food too."
And he is spouting nothing but pure wisdom. Missions are work, work, work. And they HARD. But they are beyond worth it. My life has been so blessed but I also have seen those I love so dearly be blessed too. It's been hard work but the best work I have ever done. I love, love, LOVE it. And I am humbled and grateful to have the opportunity.
See y'all in a hot second,
Con amor,
Hermana Nygren
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