Episode 24: season 3 finale

Hola familia y amigos 

it is time for round two of "how was Hermana Nygren effected by transfers." 
a. she is being sent down to Coalinga and her companion will be THE Hermana Ward. (SHE IS SO CUTE) 
b. She will be moved up North to learn Hmong
c. She is staying in Los Banos.

I don't have lots of time because I got to pack. (That eliminates c) So it'll be a short one again. Anyways in other news, I have been holding back on y'all. We have been teaching this family for while. And this week we had a baptism! The mom is already a member and the dad isn't quite ready BUT the little boys got baptized this weekend and it was the PUREST baptism I have ever witnessed. The youngest, Junior is the cutest. He reads all the pamphlets and knows them like the back of his hand. He is TEN and he knows so much. He flips through the pamphlets and the scriptures and teaches US the lessons I swear. I have never seen anyone quite so excited to be baptized. And he played the violin at the end. CUTEST thing EVER. I am so honored to have been able to be a part of this work. This baptism absolutely had nothing to do with me, I was just lucky enough to be a part of it. I am counting my blessings every day and right now these little boys are pretty high up there. (JUST beneath three other little boys I love very very much...)

And so the answer is... A!  I am leaving Los Banos and my heart hurts a little bit. During my personal study I found this quote, "The greatest decision I ever made in my life was to give up something I dearly loved for the God I love even more." I saw this when I came out on my mission but I am seeing even more as I am in the field. You know what I love dearly? Los Banos.(The PLACE not the actual bathrooms. Y'all just THINK you are funny) And obviously I didn't have much of a choice but, I am giving it up. I am going where the Lord wants and giving my all there. Because I love God. I trust him and I know it's where he needs me to be. Tune in next week for my adventures in Coalinga 

See y'all in a hot second, 
Con amor, 
Hermana Nygren
