Episode: Shakin' it up

Y'all this week was WILD. So we had TWO earthquakes and it was crazy! Is Hermana Nygren about to relate earthquakes to the gospel and her missionary experiences? You betcha! This one is all about earthquakes and our experiences with the Holy Ghost. I am going to share a few spiritual earthquakes I had this week!

Earthquake #1: I felt nothing. Absolutely nothing. We had no idea what happened. It was a 6.2 so not that big and apparently you had to be sitting still to feel it. And sometimes that is how the Spirit is. He is just a gentle feeling that you could totally look over if you weren't paying attention. And that's why those little things are so important. Church. The scriptures. Prayer. Those are opportunities we have to be still and feel those spiritual earthquakes because sometimes the spirit will come to you at a 6.2 and you will miss it. I recognized one of these soft spiritual experiences this Sunday. There is a Spanish group's sacrament meeting every Sunday evening but it doesn't always work for us to go. But while we were praying the spirit whispered for us to go. It was gentle but we did. Turns out they needed us and it was SO good. The prompting to go was a 6.2 but the spirit at the end was definitely a 9.9. There was something incredibly humbling and powerful about taking the sacrament around a little, dining room table. There was only seven people, one piece of bread on the table, and seven little cups of water but definitely the BEST sacrament meeting I have ever gone to. 

Earthquake #2: This one was a bit bigger. And we definitely felt this one. In fact we thought someone was shaking our car. that one was a 7.1 I think. And sometimes that's how the spirit is. You just feel him shaking you! You just feel that it is SO true. We had an awesome lesson with one of the kids we are teaching and the spirit was definitely somewhere above a 7.1. It was SO strong. He texted us after and said, Thanks for coming today! That video you showed made me feel so weird. It was crazy." And we were so pumped because HE IS FEELING THE SPIRIT. I guess you could say the spirit is rocking his world...

See y'all in hot second.
con amor
Hermana Nygren 

1. You could say I love my new companion deerly...jaja
2. did we dress up for the 4th? you betcha. 'merica 
3. we are changing are lives around. healthy food from now on. 
4. happiest of birthdays the the raddest little chica 
5. thrift shopping for the winnnn
